Friday, November 10, 2017

A Well-Lived Life

What is a well-lived life? 
My view of a well-lived life is centered on relationships. I feel like me doing good for others and making a difference in others lives is how I could measure my success. I want my loved ones to succeed, and I want to support them as best as they can to help them in their success. I feel like if I facilitated happiness in others then my life is a success. On a personal level, I feel like I need to gain education and knowledge and the pursuit of experiences. I want to travel, I want to be a life-long learner and I want to improve my life through experiences and others lives through my help and presence. I honestly do not know what I would like to do with regards to career, I have far too many interests, I think, to chose one and stick with it for life. I feel like I will probably have several careers with side jobs/passion projects. I think that I cannot be fulfilled entirely by a career, but I feel like my chosen vocation can fill an intellectual or usefulness hole for a time. As for money, I want enough to do the things I love with the people I love. I want enough to cover my home, my bills, and my experiences. I will be happy is I have just enough to cover all of these things, but if/when I have to sacrifice in any of the necessary or preferred areas then my whole life is skewed.
I think my core values are kindness, helping others, and understanding people as they are. I feel it is important to attempt to know people in their own context, and to help them when you can. I do not think any specific religious group has the 100% truth, or the key to these values. I actually think all religions are valid in some way and I appreciate and enjoy learning about them. I just love to learn and love to experience other cultures, I seek experiences that teach me new things and let me experience something out of the “ordinary” American life.
My priorities at this point are to complete my education (but I know myself well enough to realize that I probably will never feel satisfied with my level of education and will either pursue higher degrees, multiple degrees or continuously take courses as long as I live), my family and my friends. I desperately crave adventure and to travel, but this is not possible at present and therefore it is not a top priority, yet at the same time I feel such a hole in my life because I am missing this facet. I cannot feel completely fulfilled without all of my core needs being met (love, acceptance, experiences, helping others and learning), and as of late they are stifled in some ways. I plan to have a good enough career that fulfills me in the mean time so that I can maintain equilibrium in responsibilities and passions. I know that the higher degree I obtain the more money I am likely to make, and I also love learning and would happily continue to gain degrees. Of course, I would love to have excess money and be able to share my wealth, or else to donate to people with less than I have. Money is not the goal, but what I can do with it is most important. I am focusing on getting the money so that all of my other goals can fall into place.

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