Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I had wanted to do my blogging yesterday because it would be the 2nd anniversary of Mike and I meeting up at my “Star Wars” Marathon. If Mike hadn’t a) seen me walk past Tarpley’s sometime in late January/early February 2008 b) found me on MySpace c) responded to my silly bulletin of “Will you be my Valentine?” and then finally d) responded to my bulletins advertising an invitation to anyone for my “Star Wars” Marathon on March 1st, 2008 and then actually showing up then we very well wouldn’t be together now! It is funny how chain of events work, and I love to think that it all began around 2 years ago! Mike and I might not be expecting this little girl right now and life would definitely not be as perfect as I feel it is now. So little one, thank the internet, daddy’s eyes and my timing, as well as a series called “Star Wars” for you being alive right now!

(By the way the baby isn’t moving around much anymore, she is a fairly still child even now. She hasn’t kept me up except once. She plays games with me and Mike now already, she will kick if she is being left alone, but if you touch my stomach even lightly, she knows and will be totally still. She will resume kicking me if and when the hand is removed! She doesn’t like us to feel her, or she feels cramped by the warmth and darkness of my or Mike’s hand. Silly little girl! We don’t even press hard, or when we do press firmly, it is still the same, she reacts to the less space and stops moving around instead of trying to get us to move. I wonder how she’ll be when she is born? Quiet and still like she is now? Loud and hyper active? Calm and peaceful? I just hope she is obedient and calm, with an understanding that no means no. I bet if she is really actually playing games with us by her non-movement now that she’ll be playful as well.)

Mike and I have talked about how happy we are to be with one another a lot lately. Mike says he wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else. I told him that I always pictured having a baby with someone I love and who wants to be involved with me and the baby every step of the way (And Mike has been there, the whole time he has. Even when things were rocky he was still there, he has been to every appointment I've had for our baby and he has been such a rock for me to cling to) I told him recently that I used to think that I could handle being pregnant and being a single mom on my own, but once I really was pregnant that I discovered that I don’t think I really could. I need Mike’s support, and it is very different than other peoples’ support. I told him how much I appreciate it and he told me he has to be there, and he wants to be and that he isn’t leaving me or our little girl. I felt like crying because I hope it is true, and it sounds so utterly wonderful.

So as of today I am 21 weeks along, we found out last Wednesday that we are indeed having a little baby girl come July. She is due July 10th (right smack-dab in between the 8th which is Mike's birthday and the 12th which is my mom's birthday). Mike and I both really wanted a little girl, he has told me since we found out that almost all of his friends and family were to some degree surprised that he wanted a girl as well. But we just have wanted a girl first, ever since we began talking about kids a while back. We are happy God has granted us a girl and everything is good with us and with her so far. It feels like a dream to me sometimes, I feel just so incredibly blessed to have Mike by my side and to be getting my little daughter now. My dreams are coming true it seems, and I feel so lucky and blessed! Maybe I'll write more later, but that is all for now! Thanks for taking the time to read this update!

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